Our team at Medhat Dental Excellence is opening its doors for people who are looking for quality, beautiful, and healthier smiles. Cosmetic dentistry is now a big part of dental care. People, for one reason or another, may not like the way their smile looks. Even though there are many things that may contribute to a perfect smile, there is no doubt that sparkling white teeth play a huge part. Discolored teeth can be embarrassing for most people and may dent your confidence over time. The good news is that you do not have to deal with this anymore. There are
teeth whitening solutions for discolored teeth, and we will be happy to walk you through the options and how they work.
It does not matter how severe the discoloration is, teeth whitening may just be the solution you need to recover your smile and rebuild your confidence. However, before we even start discussing teeth whitening, it is important to first of all highlight some of the main causes of discolored teeth. It is often about poor
dental hygiene and poor diet choices. Lack of proper brushing and flossing may lead to discoloration over time. The foods we eat may also accelerate the process of teeth discoloration. For example, beverages like coffee, soft drinks, and tea have been known to cause tooth discoloration.
However, and perhaps more concerning, tobacco is one of the leading causes of teeth discoloration. As a matter of fact, most patients with severe teeth discoloration tend to be regular smokers. Nonetheless, addressing the issue as fast as you can significantly increases the chances of success. Teeth whitening in our offices will take between 30 and 90 minutes. But this should not be all. Once you have been able to get that white and beautiful smile, you must take measures to make sure that your teeth remain sparkling for as long a time as possible. Proper dental hygiene is absolutely crucial in this. You may also want to have your teeth whitened at least once every year.
Our Teeth Whitening Process
Teeth whitening can be done using two options. First, you may choose over the counter solutions that allow you to do the job at home. These homemade solutions may work, but they are not very effective. In case you want the best results, it is always a good idea to visit our dental office for professional teeth whitening. Our professional dental hygienists have the tools to get rid of all that discoloration including plaque that may lead to gum disease. We also take extra precautions to make sure that the process is safe and as comfortable as possible.
Who Needs Teeth Whitening?
Well, you do not need to have severely discolored teeth for you to get teeth whitening. Even though people who suffer from such teeth are prime candidates for whitening, it is advisable to incorporate whitening as part of your dental care regimen. After all, regular whitening will easily prevent discoloration in the long term. In case you have any questions about teeth whitening procedures, feel free to call us, Medhat Dental Excellence at (773) 774-4611. Our team is happy to answer any questions and arrange an appointment for you with one of our qualified dentists.